
Adopt-A-Vet - Santa Clarita Coalition

Adopt-A-Vet - Santa Clarita Coalition

Adopt-A-Vet is a program designed to help Veterans afford their living expenses while they are in a 10-week Immersion Training Program at LIMS, Lifton Institute for Media Arts & Sciences.

LIMS is a licensed training Institute for Veterans to help place them into a career in the movie and television production trades. LIMS has its own movie studio with sound stages, construction mill, post-production and all things needed for the training and production of movie or television content.

LIMS is able to offer its program at no cost for veterans. The program is based on “Immersion Theory” and as such it is 10 hours per day, 5 days per week for 10 weeks. This immersion method has been proven to create long-term success in the chosen field.

During the LIMS program, veterans work hands-on to plan, coordinate and fully execute a feature film production. Each trainee chooses his or her career path and trains in that department throughout the program. Upon completion, each veteran has obtained the necessary skills and experience to walk onto a film or television set with confidence and the proven ability to fully complete the given tasks.

The program has been a consistent success with job placements reaching over 80% on a regular basis. Because of the intensive hours of training, there is no opportunity for a veteran to work during the program and pay for normal daily living expenses. This obstacle stops many qualified veterans from utilizing the LIMS Program. That is how Adopt-A-Vet was formed.

In conjunction with KHTS Radio, Adopt-A-Vet is seeking donations through its affiliated 501(c)(3) non-profit Santa Clarita Coalition, to help these veterans create a successful future for themselves. Veterans have given so much for our country, they deserve to be recognized for their excellence. They deserve to be employed in a field that is financially rewarding and mentally stimulating. They deserve to NOT be homeless.

They deserve to be seen as the champions they are, displaying their unique skills, working with dignity and excitement and achieving their goals. We have an opportunity to transform veterans; to train them in a familiar skill set, place them into jobs, instill self-confidence and propel them to independence.

Your donations will help move them onto a new path; one that is financially rewarding and life altering.

[biginfopane title=” Adopt-A-Vet is Seeking Donations To Help Our Veterans” href=”” buttontitle=”Contact And Donate Today” target=”_blank”]Veterans have given so much for our country, it is time we give back…[/biginfopane]