Jasmine Foster is currently working as the Community Relations Liaison at College of the Canyons in Valencia, CA. Hired in 2007 to oversee public relations affairs for the Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center, she has since successfully managed and assisted in many projects for the college such as the Grand Opening of the Canyon Canyon Country, Women’s Conferences, Opening Night Gala’s at the PAC and many fundraising events for launching new programs at the college including the University Center and the Institute for Culinary Education.
Jasmine was born and raised in Westchester County, New York where she completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Relations and soon after graduation, accepted a position with the Xerox Corporation in NYC as a Hiring Manager where she worked until 1983. In 1986 she married and accepted a position as a Public Relations Manager for an insurance giant in Los Angeles and relocated to California. By 1991 she was the mother of three sons which put her career on hold temporarily. For ten years she dedicated her time between parenting and helping other children in the community succeed in school by tutoring and teaching GATE children at the local elementary school level. Her three sons Gregg, Hayden and Eric have all since graduated from college and one continuing on to graduate school in Boston, MA.
Her successes created a skill set and reputation in the community that led to her recruitment on advisory boards of many organizations including the Boys and Girls Club, Single Mother’s Outreach, the Boys Scouts of America, The Senior Center, Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital, Providence Holy Cross, the Sulphur Springs School District, the Canyon Country Advisory Committee and many others. She also served on the City of Santa Clarita hiring committees, and her most recent appointment as a board member of the Disaster Coalition allows her continue helping those in need. Her efforts are key to the many successes of local organizations and businesses in and around the SCV, and she serves with pride and humility. She was named Santa Clarita’s Unsung Heros by Mercedez Benz in 2014 and continues to actively support the Santa Clarita community she loves. In her own words “ it’s important to be thankful for the blessing in your life and it’s even more important to be mindful of others needs and reach out to help them when you can….everyone has something to give and it doesn’t have to have monetary value…some of the best things in life are free”.
In her spare time Jasmine enjoys following in the footsteps of her Italian heritage, spending time with family and cooking which she says is”creative therapy”.